Health tourism in Spain

Mallorca, the Mediterranean jewel

How it works

1. First Contact

Contact Doctor Fernando Muñoz directly by filling in the contact form on our website.

Dr. Fernando Muñoz will ask you for some additional information to obtain the final quote, such as x-rays, reports, MRI scans or previous tests.

You will receive a detailed quote for your hip or knee prosthetic surgery.

2. Follow-up

After sending you all the detailed information, we will contact you to address any questions you may have.

3. Book your treatment

You can book your appointment without waiting list by choosing a suitable travel date.

You will receive a detailed itinerary. And if you need to stay longer, you can stay in one of the neighbouring hotels. Our team will send you a fixed price quotation.

4. Payment

Payment for the prosthetic surgery must be made on arrival at the clinic in Spain.

5. The day of your arrival in Spain

Upon arrival at PI Mallorca airport, our representative will meet you in the Arrivals area and a driver will take you to the hospital.

6. Your reception at the hospital

Once you arrive at the hospital, you will be shown the facilities and your room where you will spend the first 3 or 4 days post-operatively.

Once you are settled in, you will undergo the pre-operative tests and meet with your surgeon, Dr. Fernando Muñoz.

The doctor will explain the whole procedure to you and you will be able to ask any questions you may have about the surgery.

You will be escorted to your single room with an accompanying bed where you will stay until the time of the operation.

You will shower with special antiseptic gel and wear surgical clothing.

7. After his operation, recovery phase

Once completed, you will be transferred to your room on the hospital ward where you will stay for 3 to 4 days.

On the first day after surgery, you will undergo control tests and the first treatment.

You will be mobilised with a walker or crutches, this early mobilisation being very important to avoid complications. You will be able to progressively load and move the joint below the pain.

The physiotherapy service will be in charge of teaching you to walk with crutches or a walker, so that on the third or fourth day you will be able to be autonomous and you can be discharged from hospital.

The doctor will give you medication for the following days according to the treatment you have received.

He will also provide you with a medical report which it is vital that you send to your GP so that your record is kept fully up to date.

8. Departure from Palma de Mallorca airport

On the day of your return, you will be accompanied to the airport, and if necessary, you will be provided with a wheelchair for your journey home.

9. Subsequent dressings

At home, you will need to continue with daily dressings of the surgical wound, so that after approximately twelve days, the staples that close the wound can be removed.

After your return to the UK, if you have any post-operative or other queries, you can contact your specialist surgeon directly.

Frequently asked questions

The time varies depending on the treatment and the patient, we estimate a stay of 15 days.

Numerous patients from different countries make appointments every year to undergo treatment in Spain, close to home and with the best guarantees. Spanish healthcare is recognised worldwide for its high quality and highly trained professionals. In addition, you can enjoy competitive prices and legal security as a patient.

Dr. Fernando Muñoz is an eminence in his field, specialising in hip and knee prosthetic surgery. With more than 22 years of training, studies and practice, Dr. Fernando Muñoz has all the qualifications to carry out prosthetic treatments in Spain.

The Doctor performs all operations involving prosthetic surgery, from total hip arthroplasty to partial and complete knee arthroplasty.

Knee and hip prostheses from ZIMMER & DePuy Synthes, a world leader in orthopaedic and trauma equipment.

  • Booking and use of the operating theatre.
  • Single room with accompanying bed. Food and hospitality for the patient.
  • Complete pre-operative.
  • Post-operative visits until medical discharge.
  • Medical fees.
  • Anaesthesiologist fees.
  • Fees for nursing staff.
  • Surgical material necessary for the operation.
  • Knee prosthesis from ZIMMER, the world's leading orthopaedic and traumatology material supplier.
  • Anaesthesia, haemotherapy-transfusions, recovery room booking, etc.
  • Medical complications insurance.

Please fill in the contact form on our website.
Doctor Muñoz will ask you for some more information to obtain the final quote, such as x-rays, reports, MRI scans or previous tests.
You will receive a detailed quote for your hip or knee prosthetic surgery.